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Friday 25 August 2017

Growing Up


As your start to age and become an adult, it is important to make sure you are a citizen. Being a citizen means reading the news and being aware of the world around you so you can make informed decisions. A good thing to do in your spare time would be to expand your knowledge by watching ted videos. These ted videos can make you informed on a various of topics and allow you to have amazing discussions with people.

You can also easily do this by downloading and listening to podcasts while getting ready for example. One site that can help with this is sound cloud.

You can also follow news sources on twitter for quick recent news stories.

Tumblr can also help with school. I like to follow studygrams to inspire me to study more and make beautiful notes and just generally spend more time on school. Currently my favorite user is Emmastudies as she does amazing printable schedules that can help you get and stay organized. I use her printouts and I highly recommend. My desktop background is her monthly background.

If your looking to further your knowledge or simply learn something new try the thousands of online courses available on

There is also always time to learn a new language. Embassies offer cheap courses. I have done this for Korean and it was well worth it. I only stopped to focus on school but I would totally register again. or you can even take Japanese lessons cause some big languages have their own school. My Japanese friend even goes to this school.

Thanks for reading, until next post,

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