Search Awesome Life

Monday 13 November 2017

Classic Books

Monday 23 October 2017

University Resources


The affordable contiki trip I want to go on:

Saturday 9 September 2017



I was surprised to find out that zellers still exists.

Friday 25 August 2017

Halloween Costume


This year for halloween I want to be a robot.
So have makeup using face paint like this and trying to find some silver clothes from value village would be cool. I could also use tin foil and decorate my tutu.
Image result for robot halloween costume diy girl

The other costume I have been wanting to do for awhile now was a gumball machine.
Image result for robot halloween costume diy teen

Volunteer Master


I love volunteering I like meeting new people and having something to do. It also helps to be given meals and t shirts, etc. at the events. With how much I love volunteering it is no wonder I got the volunteer award at my graduation ceremony. I am finally getting around to officially registering as a volunteer at the library. This includes completing training via and and apply via

I also wanted to give back to one of my favorite programs: Junior Achievement. I have registered to be a volunteer with this and have an interview scheduled and will be completing a police check before completing training.

I also have a few events in the fall I would like to volunteer for but this depends on how busy I am once school starts.
I did sign up already to volunteer here but if I like it I want to make sure I volunteer again.

Thanks for reading and until the next post,

New Driver


I just recently got my driver's license after almost two years of waiting past the normal time teens get theirs. They way to past your G1 is taking practice tests. I used particularly an app because it didn't need wifi and I could access it where ever. There is also this great website - Also if you happen to be an audio learner you can search on youtube practice tests as well. It also doesn't hurt to have read the book.

Now I am focusing on signing up for driver's ed which my grandparents said they would happily help pay for but I just have to make sure it fits well into my schedule and doesn't interfere with my school. I am also waiting on whether or not I got the job I applied for at Value Village.

Thanks for reading until next time,